the SONGS!
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[Original Recording]
[1973 Film Soundtrack]
HIDE Player [Original Recording]
by Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice
All Chords and Lyrics!!!! Last Updated -
This now IS the most complete & accurate version of this on the internet! - Robb A.
Questions? Critique? Comments? Praise? Email -
9/10/24 - adjusted some tab for fingering and a couple of spacing issues |
3/27/19 - Finally have started looking at this again and doing some
updating for newer browsers (Real Audio is not working anymore, MIDI links need
tweaked). And now I've COLORIZED the page (as in Lyrics, Chords and
Comments are all in different colored text) for easier reading. AND
added MP3 PLAYERS onto page! |
7/28/12 - Added "Pete's Sheets" - sheet
music and tab from Pete in the UK that he made for his performance of
JCS with a company in England a few years ago. |
5/15/09 - Added some minor chord corrections from Georges in France and
found a wrong word in "Last Supper" ("Jaded Mandarin" section). |
7/7/07 - Fixed some blunders in the code that made some lines all
messed up. |
3/27/07 - Added strumming acoustic guitar parts and Lyrics to my MIDI file for "Ev'rything's
Alright". |
8/1/06 - Added my MIDI file for my "Damned For All Time" to the MIDI
page. |
3/1/05 - Slight mix alteration on Buzz/Strange MIDI |
3/9/05 - added sheet music to
TWAD and
2/18/05 - Added tablature to John 19:41
for solo guitar. Also added a MIDI file for my arrangement. |
<<The floating popup menu on the LEFT will jump to the different songs ON THIS PAGE as
does the table of links below.
The floating popup menu on the RIGHT links to mp3 audio files of all the songs from the
original album AND the movie >>
so you can listen, learn, and play along with the real thing!
------------------------------------------------------- |
Click for tablature to "Overture"
It pretty much consists of:
1. Trial Before Pilate, with no vocals and some chords missing (C# in climbing section) and
parts left out (Where are you from Jesus? What do you want Jesus? Tell me...),then
2. The "Superstar Theme" in D (D G/D, C/D, G/D), and then
3. Distant angelic ahhs doing the melody of Judas singing "On Thursday night you'll find him where you want him" twice
4. Soft strings doing "So long Judas. Poor old Judas"
(x means to pick the muted G string)
[Guitar Riff] G|----7-xx8-x5-x77|----7-xx8-x5-x77| repeat &
D|0-0-(let ring)--|0-0-(let ring)--| repeat
[Use these suggested chord forms on the opening so that the chords and the "main riff"
can be played by one person on one guitar at the same time. Let the chords ring.]
(The very first D and G chords are mimicing VERY low voicings on Piano and used only once.
The rest are around the 5th fret to 7th fret.
The "*" shows notes used to play the riff at the same time)
D* G* F G Dm Em D7sus
x0023x x2003x xx0768 xx0787 xx0765 xx0787 xxo788
||||*| ||||*| |||*|| |||*|| |||*|o |||*|| |||*||
|||o|| |o|||| ||||o| |||||| ||||o| |||||| ||||||
||||o| ||||o| |||o|| |||o|o |||o|| |||o|o |||o||
||||*| ||||*| |||*|o |||*o| |||*|| |||*o| |||*oo
[Chords shown in the opening are Piano chords played over Guitar Riff]
D* G* F G
JUDAS: My mind is clearer now - at last all too well
------ Dm G Dm F
I can see where we all soon will be
Dm Dm F G
If you strip away the myth from the man
Dm Em F D7sus
You will see where we all soon will be
Dm D7sus
Jesus! >> >> >> [repetitive lead line begins (see ** below)]
You've started to believe
The things they say of you
You really do believe
G Dm
This talk of God is true
And all the good you've done
Will soon get swept away
You've begun to matter more
Than the things you say
**[repetitive lead line (below)
fades in at "JESUS!!" and repeats until "Listen Jesus..."]
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
and sometimes
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
[guitar covering the horn part (after "...matter more than the things you say")]
B|------10-11-8--10---|------10-11-8--10---| |*Note: Fsus4/6 is like a |
G|------7--8--5--7----|------7--8--5--7----| |Bb bar over an F bar chord. |
D|-0-0-(let ring)-----|-0-0-(let ring)-----| |Then release to F and |
[VERSE 1] |hammer-on the 3rd (Ab to A). |
Dm F *Fsus4/6 F |Gsus4/6 is a C bar over G bar.|
Listen Jesus I don't like what I see |Then release to G and |
Dm G *Gsus4/6 G |hammer-on the 3rd (Bb to B). |
All I ask is that you listen to me |The 4/6 comps the piano parts |
Bb C F A Asus A
And remember - I've been your right hand man all along
Dm Dm/C
You have set them all on fire
Bb F *Fsus4/6 F
They think they've found the new Messiah
Dm A7 BbM7 Dm9
And they'll hurt you when they find they're wrong
BbM7 Dm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[piano arranged for guitar] e|10-------10-------10----|8--------8--------8----|
I remember when this whole thing began
No talk of God then - we called you a man
And believe me - my admiration for you hasn't died
But every word you say today
Gets twisted 'round some other way
And they'll hurt you if they'll think you've lied
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[piano arranged for guitar] e|6--------6--------6-----|5--------5--------5----|
[BRIDGE 1] (in 7/8)
|1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
Bb F |Gm Dm
Naza-reth your famous son should have stayed a great unknown
Gm Dm/A
Like his father carving wood
A7 Dm
He'd have made good!
Tables, chairs and oaken chests would have suited Jesus best
He'd have caused nobody harm
No one alarm!
[VERSE 3] (back to 4/4)
Listen Jesus do you care for your race,
Can't you see we must keep in our place
We are occupied - Have you forgotten how put down we are?
I am frightened by the crowd
For we are getting much too loud
And they'll crush us if we go to far.
If we go-oh-oh-oh to-oo
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[piano arranged for guitar] e|10-------10-------10----|8--------8--------8----|
[notes of melody to previous line]
Bb C D F G A A A G-A-G F-G-F E-F E-F-E D-E-D
If we go-oh-oh-oh to-oo far________________________
[BRIDGE 2] (in 7/8)
[Instrumental section to "Nazareth your famous son..." chords]
(Play section below twice)
Bb F Gm Dm Gm Dm/A A7 Dm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Listen Jesus to the warning I give,
Please remember that I want us to live
But it's sad to see our chances weakening with every hour....
All your followers are blind,
Too much heaven on their minds
It was beautiful but now it's
BbM7 Dm (Repeat & Fade BbM7 & Dm)
sour, Yes it's ah-all... go-ah-one
sour ......................
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh,...
God ah ah ah! Jesus! ,Cause it's
all.... gone sour
Listen Jesus to the warning I give
Can't you know that I'm warning...
C'mon, c'mon listen to
me ahhh! ah ah ah ah Ahhh! ah ah ah aha ha ha
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Won't you listen to me.
(Click for tab to ending vocal improve)
misc. chord hints:
A7 D9 D7
575655 x54555 sometimes x5453x
o|o|oo ||o||| ||||o|
|||o|| |o|ooo ||o|||
|o|||| |||||| |o|o||
Bethany, Friday night
Apostles: What's the buzz? Tell me what's a'happening?
--------- D9
What's the buzz? Tell me what's a'happening? (4x thru)
A (stop)
Jesus: Why should you want to know?
------ D9
Don't you mind about the future,
Don't you try to think ahead
Save tomorrow for tomorrow,
Think about today instead
Apostles: What's the buzz? Tell me what's a'happening? (4x)
Jesus: Oo yeah, I could give you facts and figures -
Apostles: When do we ride into Jerusalem? (4x)
Jesus: I could give you plans and forecasts
------ Even tell you where I'm going - yea, alright
Apostles: When do we ride into Jerusalem? (4x)
Jesus: Why should you want to know?
------ Why are you obsessed with fighting?
Times and fates you can't defy?
If you knew the path we're riding
You'd understand it less than I!
Apostles: What's the buzz? Tell me what's a'happening? (4x)
Mary M.: Let me try to cool down your face a bit ... (8x)
Jesus: (speak/sings as Mary sings above) Oo yeah, that feels nice, Oh oh oh so nice...
------ (Jesus screams) AHHHHH! Oh My my my...
Jesus: Mary oo-oo that is good - while you prattle through your supper
------ Where and when and who and how
She alone has tried to give me
Umm, What I need right here and now!
Apostles: What's the buzz? Tell me what's a'happening? (12x)
[misc. chord hints for section below:]
Cm G/D C/D
x35543 x55433 x5O553
|o|||o ||||oo |||||o
||||o| |||o|| ||||||
||oo|| |oo||| |o|oo|
G G7 C Cm
Judas: It seems to me a strange thing mystifying
------ G/D / / / / / / /
That a man like you
C/D / / / / / / /
can waste his time
C/D / / / / / / / G
on women of her kind!
Yes I can understand that she amuses,
But to let her stroke you, kiss your hair is hardly in your line.
It's not that I object to her profession
[guitar lick] 1 2 3 4 [played to G above after "profession"]
But she doesn't fit in well with what you teach and say
It doesn't help us if you're inconsistent
They only need a small excuse to put us all away.
Ab Bb Fm
Jesus: Who are you to criticize her?
------ Who are you to despise her?
Ab Bb Fm
Leave her, Leave her, let her be now
Leave her, Leave her, she's with me now
Ab Bb Fm / / Ab Bb Fm / /
If your slate is clean - then you can throw stones
If your slate is not - then leave her alone
[Instrumental guitar Riff in C]- C / / / | C / / / | C / / / | G / / C |
|1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4
Cm Fm Bbm7
I'm amazed that men like you can be so shallow, thick and slow
Bbm7 G (G G G G A B C - single notes)
There's not a man among you who knows or cares if I come or go
Ab Bb Fm
All: No you're wro-ong! You're very wrong! (4x)
---- Ab Bb Fm / / Ab Bb Fm / /
How can you say that? How can you say that?
Ab Bb Ab / / Ab Bb Ab / /
How can you say that? How can you say that?
Cm ' ' ' | Fm ' ' Bbm | Bbm7 ' ' ' | G ' ' C | (with guitar lead below)
Jesus: Not one - not one of you !
Cm Fm Bbm
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Bbm7 G C
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
(2nd guitar - played with line above)
Here is where "Then We Are Decided" is in the movie.
In 5/4 time
intro (organ melody)
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
[misc. chord hints]
[Slash chords (in parentheses) are for playing the chords and bass on one guitar]
[They are not necessary otherwise just use E, B7, C#m, and A]
E (E/Ab) (E/A) B7 (B7/C) C#m (C#m/B) A (A/B)
022100 4x2100 x02100 x24242 x34242 x46654 746454 x02220 x22220
|||o|| |||o|| |||o|| |o|o|o |||o|o |o|o|o |o|o|o |||||| ||||||
|oo||| ||o||| ||o||| |||||| |o|||| ||||o| ||||o| ||ooo| |oooo|
|||||| |||||| |||||| ||o|o| ||o|o| ||oo|| ||o||| |||||| ||||||
o||||| o|||||
E B7
[bass gtr.- E Ab A B B C]
Mary M.: Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to
-------- C#m A
[bass gtr.- C# C# B A A B]
Problems that upset you ah, don't you know
Ev'rything's alright, yes, ev'rything's fine
And we want you to sleep well tonight
Let the world turn without you tonight
If we try we'll get by so forget all about us tonight
Apostles' women: Ev'rything's alright, yes, ev'rything's alright, yes
E B7
Mary M.: Sleep and I shall soothe you, calm you and anoint you
-------- C#m A
Myrrh for your hot forehead ah, then you'll feel
Ev'rything's alright, yes, ev'rything's fine
And it's cool and the ointment's sweet
For the fire in your head and feet
Close your eyes, close your eyes
And relax think of nothing tonight.
Apostles' women: Ev'rything's alright, yes, ev'rything's alright, yes
[misc. chord hints:]
Em C Cadd9/D Em7 B7 Cadd9 C/D or C/D
o79987 8 988 xxo98 o79787 797877 x x 988 xx0988
7th|o|||o 8th o|||oo 8th ||||o| |o|o|o 7th o|o|oo 8th o|||o| ||||oo ||||oo
||||o| |||o|| |||o|| ||||o| |||o|| |||o|| |||o|| |||o||
||oo|| |oo||| |||||o ||o||| |o|||| |o|||o 10th o|o||| ||||||
Cadd9 C/D
32030 xx0010
|||||| ||||o|
||o||| ||||||
|o||o| ||||||
Em D C Am
Judas: Woman your fine ointment - brand new and expensive
------ Em C Cadd9/D Em7 B7
Could have been saved for the poor.
Em D C Am
Why has it been wasted? We could have raised maybe
Em Cadd9 C/D Em C/G
Three hundred silver pieces or more.
Am D7 G C7
People who are hungry, people who are starving
B Em/B A/B B A/B B A/B B7
Matter more than your feet and hair!
Mary M.: Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to
-------- Problems that upset you ah, don't you know
Ev'rything's alright, yes, ev'rything's fine
And we want you to sleep well tonight
Let the world turn without you tonight
If we try we'll get by so forget all about us tonight.
Apostles' women: Ev'rything's alright, yes, ev'rything's alright, yes
Jesus: Surely you're not saying we have the resources
------ Em C C/D Em B7
To save the poor from their lot?
There will be poor always, pathetically struggling -
Em Cadd9 Cadd9/D Em7
Look at the good things you've got!
Think! While you still have me
Move! While you still see me
You'll be lost, you'll be so sorry (so-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-ry) when I'm gone
Mary M.: Sleep and I shall soothe you, calm you and anoint you
-------- Myrrh for your hot forehead, ah, then you'll feel
E7 A7 E7 A7
Ev'rything's alright yes ev'rything's fine
And it's cool and the ointment's sweet
For the fire in your head and feet
Close your eyes, close your eyes
And relax think of nothing tonight___________
E7 A7 E7 A7
Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax...
Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax...
Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax... (repeat 25 more times)
All: (singing w/Mary) Ev'rything's alright, yes, ev'rything's alright, yes...
Jerusalem, Sunday
[misc. chord hints:]
Abdim Fdim or Fdim Ddim/B G7/B
4201xx 1234xx 123131 789797 789787
|||o|| o||||| o||o|o o||o|o o||o|o
|o|||| |o|||| |o|||| |o|||| |o||o|
|||||| ||o||| ||o|o| ||o|o| ||o|||
o||||| |||o||
Abdim Abdim
Priest 1: Good Caiaphas, the council waits for you,
--------- Abdim Abdim
The pharisees and priests are here for you!
Abdim Fdim Fdim
Caiaphas: Ah gentlemen, you know why we are here
--------- Ddim/B G7/B Ddim/B
We've not much time and quite a problem here
Ddim/B Ddim/B
(single notes) E F B C E F E F B C E F
Mob (outside): Hosanna! Superstar! Hosanna! Superstar
[horn] Ab_____Bb___B___ Ab_____Bb___B
(2 part vocal) C# C Ab Bb E F C# C Ab Bb
Hosanna! Superstar! Hosanna! Superstar!
Fm7/6 Bb7
131131 x13131
o|oo|o |o|o|o
|||||| ||||||
|o||o| ||o|o|
Fm7/6 Bb7 Fm7/6 Bb7
Annas: Listen to that howling mob of blockheads in the street!
------ Fm6 Bb7 Fm6 Bb7
A trick or two with lepers and the whole town on its feet
[vocal] F F Ab F F (octave unison)
[chords] Bb Bb E Bb Bb (chords best played low with no 3rd)
All: He is dangerous!
(single notes) B Ab E C# A E
Mob (outside): Jesus Christ Superstar -
[vocal] F F Ab F F (octave unison)
[chords] Bb Bb E Bb Bb (chords with no 3rd)
All: He is dangerous!
(single notes) D B D C# B A B Ab E
Mob (outside): Tell us that you're who they say you are
G/B C A/C# D B/Eb Em F/E
x20003 x32010 x4222x x57775 x6444x x79987 08 x
|||||| ||||o| ||ooo| |o|||o ||ooo| |o|||o |o||||
|o|||| ||o||| |||||| |||||| |||||| ||||o| ||||||
|||||o |o|||| |o|||| ||ooo| |o|||| ||oo|| ||ooo|
G/B C A/C# D
Priest 2: The man is in town right now to whip up some support
B/Eb Em Fm/E Em
Priest 3: A rabble rousing mission that I think we must abort
(vocal) F F Ab F F (octave unison)
[chords] Bb Bb E Bb Bb (chords with no 3rd)
All: He is dangerous!
(single notes) B Ab E C# A E
Mob (outside): Jesus Christ Superstar
All: He is dangerous!
Priest 2: Look, Caiaphas - they're right outside our yard
-------- Fm
Priest 3: Quick, Caiaphas - go call the Roman guard...
-------- Fm Fm Ab Bb
Caiaphas: No wait - we need a more permanent solution to our problem...
(with tempo and COOL bass line) [ Click here for tab to COOL bass line ]
Fm C C7 Fm
Annas: What then to do about Jesus of Nazareth
------ Ab Bb Eb7 Ab
Miracle wonderman - hero of fools?
Fm C C7 Fm
Priest 3: No riots, no army, no fighting, no slogans...
--------- Ab Bb C7
Caiaphas: One thing I'll say for him: Jesus is cool.
Annas: We dare not leave him to his own devices
--------- His half-witted fans will get out of control
Priest 3: But how can we stop him? His glamour increases
--------- By leaps every minute - he's top of the poll.
Db Ab
Caiaphas: I see bad things arising
--------- Gb7 Fm C Db
The crowd crown him King which the Romans would ban
Db Ab
I see blood and destruction
Gb7 Fm C7 Fm
Our elimination because of one man
Fm C C7 Fm
Blood and destruction because of one man!
Ab Bb Eb7 Ab
All: Because, because, because of one man
---- Fm C C7 Fm
Caiaphas: Our elimination because of one man
--------- Ab Bb C7 Fm
All: Because, because, because of one, 'cause of one, 'cause of one man.
Priest 3: What then to do about this Jesus-mania?
Annas: How do we deal with the carpenter king?
Priest 3: Where do we start with a man who is bigger
--------- Then John was when John did his Baptism thing?
Caiaphas: Fools! You have no perception
--------- The stakes we are gambling are frighteningly high!
We must crush him completely -
So like John before him, this Jesus must die
For the sake of the nation this Jesus must die
All: Must die, must die, this Jesus must die
Caiaphas: So like John before him, this Jesus must die
All: Must die, must die, this Jesus must, Jesus must, Jesus must die!
[CHORUS 1] (in G)
G D7 G
Crowd: Hosanna Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna Ho
------ Bb Eb
Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna
Ebm Em
Hey JC, JC won't you smile at me?
Cm Ab D G
Sanna Ho Sanna Hey Superstar
Cm B/F# Cm B/F#
Caiaphas: Tell the rabble to be quiet we an-ti-cipate a riot
[melody --- G G F# G G# G F# B B D# F# G G# G F# - horns + strings, too]
Bb B5 Bb G7
This common crowd is much too loud
[melody --- F# F# G F(octave lower) F F F# F(octave lower)- horns + strings]
Tell the mob who sing your song that they are fools and they are wrong
They are a curse, they should disperse!
[CHORUS 2] (in C)
C G7 C
Hosanna Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna Ho
Eb Ab
Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna!
Abm Am
Hey, JC, JC, You're alright by me
Fm Db G C
Sanna Ho Sanna Hey, Superstar!
G D7 G
Jesus: Why waste your breath moaning at the crowd?
------ Bb F Bb BbM7
Nothing can be done to stop the shouting!
Gm Gm6 Dm A D
If every tongue was still the noise would still continue
A D A D D/C Bm D7/A
The rocks and stones themselves would start to sing:
[CHORUS 3] (in G)
G D7 G
Crowd (with Jesus): Hosanna Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna Ho
------------------- Bb Eb
[with slower tempo] Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna
Ebm Em
Hey JC, JC won't you fight for me?
Cm Ab D G
Sanna Ho Sanna Hey Superstar
[Instr.] D7 (lead: DD D F# A DD)
G/D (lead: DD D F# A DD)
Am/add4 (lead: C-B-A-B C-B-A-B
D7 (lead: C-D-E-F#)
G C#b5addb9 G (lead: G C#-C#-G)
[Instrumental - same as above in tab for guitar]
D7 G/D
D|-12-12--12-------------|-12-12--12-------------| (chord hint)
Am/add4 D7 G C#b5(addb9) G x4563x
[guitar]e|-------------------------------12-14-|-15-----------------| ||||o|
B|-13-12----12-13-12----12-13-15-------|--------------------| 4th|o||||
G|-------14----------14----------------|-----6--------6-----| ||o|||
D|-------------------------------------|-----------------5--| |||o||
[horn] D D D G G G C C C D D D F D D 2x VERY slow
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
[piano] Gm F Eb (4x)
[guitar to simulate piano melody - play 4x w/piano chords above]
Gm F Eb hp s (hammer-on\pull-off, then slide)
[play section below twice thru]
[horn] D D D____ G G G____ C C C__ D D D__ F D D____
[chords] D G/D C/D D7
[bass] A|-5-----5-0-3-----|-5---0-3-5-------|-5-----5-0-3-----|-5---0-3-5-------|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
G7aug9 C9 or G7aug9
3x5466 x32333 x-9--x
o||||| |||||| ||o|||
|||o|| ||o||| 10th|o|o||
||o||| |o|ooo ||||o|
G G7aug9 C C9
Crowd: Christ, you know I love you
------ Did you see I waved?
I believe in you and God
So tell me that I'm saved
Christ, you know I love you! Did you see I waved?
I believe in you and God so tell me that I'm saved
[bass] D_________________C C# D______________________C C# D_
(D bass thru) D G/D C/D D
Jesus I am with you - Touch me touch me Jesus
Jesus I am on your side - Kiss me kiss me Jesus
[chord suggestions]
G7aug9 F7 Eb7 OR G7aug9 F7 Eb7 Ab/Eb Eb
3x5466 1x3124 xx1323 x-9--x x8-8-8 6564 8 888
o||||| o|o|o| ||o||| ||o||| 8th|o|o|o ||||o| |||o|| ||ooo|
|||o|| |||o|| ||||o| 10th|o|o|| |||||| ||o||| ||||o| ||||||
||o||| |o|||| |||o|o ||||o| ||o|o| |o|o|| ||o||| ||||||
||||oo o||||* o||||*
(low Horn notes - G G Bb C Db D F G Bb G)
G7aug9 F7aug9 Eb7
Simon: Christ, what more do you need to convince you
------ That you've made it and you're easily as strong
As the filth from Rome who rape our country
Eb7 F Bb
And who've terrorized our people for so long?
Crowd: Christ, you know I love you - Did you see I waved?
------ I believe in you and God so tell me that I'm saved
Jesus I am with you
Touch me touch me Jesus
Jesus I am on your side
Kiss me kiss me Jesus
G7aug9 F7aug9 Eb7
Simon: There must be over fifty thousand
------ Screaming love and more for you
And everyone of fifty thousand
Would do whatever you ask him to
Eb7 F C
Keep them yelling their devotion
But add a touch of hate at Rome
Eb7 F Bb
You will rise to a greater power
Ab Eb/G Eb Bb7
We will win ourselves a home
Ab Eb/G Eb Bb7
You'll get the power and the glory
For ever and ever and ever
Oh you'll get the power and the glory (Amen!)
For ever and ever and ever (Amen!)
For you'll get the power and the glory (Amen!)
For ever and ever and ever (Amen!)
For ever and ever and ever (Amen! Amen!)
For ever and ever and ever (Amen! Amen!)
For you'll get the power and the glory (Amen! Amen!)
For ever and ever and ever (Amen! Amen!)
Gm Fadd9 Eb7
Jesus: Neither you Simon, nor the fifty thousand
------ Nor the Romans, nor the Jews,
Gm Fadd9 Eb Eb7
Nor Judas, nor the Twelve, nor the Priests, nor the Scribes,
Eb F Bb
Nor doomed Jerusalem itself
Ab Eb/G Bb
Understand what power is,
Understand what glory is,
Understand at all
Understand at all...
[chords hints for next line]
Bbm BbmM7 Bbm7
B|-6-- -6- -6-
G|-6-- -6- -6-
D|-8-- -7- -6-
Bbm BbmM7 Bbm7 Ebm Ab Bbm
If you knew all that I knew, my poor Jerusalem
B F F#7 F#6 F#
You'd see the truth but you close your eyes
Ebm7 F7 Bbm
But you close your eyes
While you live your troubles are many, poor Jerusalem
To conquer death you only have to die,
You only have to die
[piano arranged for guitar]
Bbm Bbm
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1
Pontius Pilate's house, Monday
misc. chord hints: Ab7
Bbm BbmM7 Bbm7 Ebm/Gb F EADGBE
688666 xx7666 xx6666 xx4342 xx3211 |||||o x68876
o||ooo |||ooo ||oooo |||||o ||||oo |||||| |o|||o
|||||| ||o||| |||||| |||o|| |||o|| ||o|o| ||||o|
|oo||| |||||| |||||| ||o|o| ||o||| |||o|| ||oo||
Click here for tablature of the picking pattern to the entire song
intro: Bbm Bbm(sus4) 4x
Bbm BbmM7 Bbm7 Ebm Ab
Pilate: I dreamed I met a Galilean -
------- Bbm
A most amazing man
B6 F Gb
He had that look you very rarely find -
Ebm/Gb F Bbm
The haunting, hunted kind
I asked him to say what had happened
How it all began
I asked again - he never said a word
As if he hadn't heard.
Bb Bb7 Ebm
And next the room was full of wild and angry men
Ab Ab7
[bass- Ab Gb F Eb Ab]
They seemed to hate this man - (they...)
Db [single notes: Ab G Gb]
They fell on him and then
They disappeared again
Then I saw thousands of millions
Crying for this man .
And then I heard them mentioning my name
And leaving me the blame
intro: Gm Cm Gm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
G|7-7-7-7-7---5--5--3-3---3-| 2x B|8-8-8-8-8---6--6--4-4---4-| |same as |
D|8-8-8-8-8---7--7--5-5---5-| G|8-8-8-8-8---7--7--5-5---5-| |first measure|
Gm Cm Gm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1234567
B|------------------------8-| B|------------------------------13-| |same as |
G|--------------------7-----| 2x G|--------------------------12-----| |previous|
D|5-5-5-5-5---7-7-8---------| D|10-10-10-10-10--12-12---13-------| |measure |
[bass] G G G G G G F Eb D C C C C C C Bb Ab G
[same as above written in note names]
[single notes] D \\\\ C\ Bb\\ Eb D C
[single notes] Bb\\\\ A\ G \\ (repeat 1x) G F Eb
[chords] Gm Cm (repeat Gm)
MoneyLenders and Merchants:
Gm (possibly G7aug9 instead of Gm everytime)
Roll on up - for the price is down
Come on in - for the best in town
Take your pick of the finest wine
Lay your bets on this bird of mine
Roll on up - for the price is down
Come on in - for the best in town
Take your pick of the finest wine
Lay your bets on this bird of mine
Gm (bass: G F Eb D)
Name your price I got everything
Come on buy it's going fast
Borrow cash on the finest terms
Hurry now it's going fast
Roll on up - for the price is down
Come on in - for the best in town
Take your pick of the finest wine
Lay your bets on this bird of mine
Roll on up - for the price is down
Come on in - for the best in town
Take your pick of the finest wine
Lay your bets on this bird of mine
Gm7sus4 EADGBE xx5566
Gm7sus4 (bass: G F Eb D)
Name your price I got everything
Gm7sus4 (bass: G F Eb D)
Come and buy it's all going fast
Borrow cash on the finest terms
Hurry now while stocks still last
(Instrumental: same but in Em & Am)
(Bass plays GG-GG-F#F#-E-EE to the Em)
Roll on up - for the price is down
Come on in - for the best in town
Take your pick of the finest wine
Lay your bets on this bird of mine
Roll on up - for the price is down
Come on in - for the best in town
E (stop rhythm - hold chord) Esus4/add6
Jesus: My temple should be a house of prayer 022220
------ Esus4/add6 ||||||
But you have made it a den of thieves |oooo|
E ||||||
GET OUT! Get out!
Em Em7/D Em/C Em9/B Em/B
My time is almost through
Am Am/G Am/F# Am7/E
Little left to do ...
After all I've tried for three years
B7/A B7 Em/B
Seems like thirty, seems like thirty ...
(Instr.) C7 C7b5 B5 Bsus4 Em/B
Em (slow tempo gradually increasing)
Woman: See my eyes I can hardly see (sung individually)
Man: See me stand I can hardly walk
Woman: I believe you can make me well
Man: See my tongue I can hardly talk
Woman: See my skin I'm a mass of blood
Man: See my legs I can hardly stand
Woman: I believe you can make me well
Man: See my purse I'm a poor poor man
Women: Will you touch will you mend me Christ? (sung doubled - unison)
Won't you touch will you heal me Christ?
Men: Will you kiss you can heal me Christ?
Won't you kiss won't you pay me Christ?
Women: See my eyes I can hardly see (sung as 2 part)
------ See me stand I can hardly walk
I believe you can make me whole
See my tongue I can hardly talk
Men: See my skin I'm a mass of blood (sung as 3 part)
See my legs I can hardly stand
I believe you can make me well
See my purse I'm a poor poor man
Women: Will you touch will you mend me Christ? (unison)
Won't you touch will you heal me Christ?
ALL: Will you kiss you can heal me Christ? (sung as 5 part harmony)
Won't you kiss won't you pay me Christ?
(Repeat CHORUS and VERSE fully 2 more times with ALL singing, tempo gradually increasing.
On the last CHORUS and VERSE Jesus sings the lines below over top of ALL.)
Jesus: Ooo, There's too many of you - don't push me
------ Ah, There's too little of me - don't, don't crowd me. Umm, don't crowd me.
Heal yourselves!
D (bass F# G) A7 (bass Bb)
Mary M.: Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to
-------- Bm Bm/A G G/A
Problems that upset you, well, don't you know
Everything's alright, yes, everythings fine
Jesus: And I think I shall sleep well to--night,
------ G/A D G G7/A D G
Let the world turn without me to---night
G7/A D G
Mary M.: Close your eyes, close your eyes
-------- G/A D G G/A D
And forget all about us to--night
intro: D G D G
Mary M.: I don't know how to love him
-------- G A/D A
What to do how to move him
D/F# A D A
I've been changed yes really changed
F#m7 Bm D6 F#m7 Bm D6(Bm/D)
In this past few days when I've seen myself
G D/F# Em D A7 A
I seem like someone else
I don't know how to take this
I don't see why he moves me
He's a man, he's just a man
And I've had so many men before
In very many ways...
A G F#m Em D
He's just one more
[guitar tab for last line above ]
A G F#m Em D
He's just one more
G F#7 Bm
Should I bring him down, should I scream and shout
Bm/A G D/A
Should I speak of love, let my feelings out
I never thought I'd come to this -
G D/F# Em Asus A
What's it all about?
[guitar tab for piccolo melody starting at Em above]
Em Asus4 A
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2
Don't You think it's rather...
Don't You think it's rather funny
I should be in this position
I'm the one who's always been
So calm so cool, no lovers fool
Running every show ...
A G F#m Em D
He scares me so
(Instrumental to "Should I bring..." G F#7 Bm Bm/A G D/A)
I never thought I'd come to this -
G D/F# Em Asus A
What's it all about?
Yet if he said he loved me
I'd be lost I'd be frightened
I couldn't cope, just couldn't cope
I'd turn my head I'd back away
G D/F# Em D A7 A
I wouldn't want to know ...
A G F#m Em D
He scares me so !
G F#m Em D
I want him so,
G F#m Em D
I love him so ...
misc. chord hints:
G7aug9 G7aug9 Eb F D7 G7 C7 F7
9th xx5466 x68886 8th 10th 10th 8th 8th
||o||| |||o|| |o|||o |o|||o o|o|oo |o|o|o o|o|oo |o|o|o
|o|o|| or ||o||| |||||| |||||| |||o|| |||||| |||o|| ||||||
||||o| ||||oo ||ooo| ||ooo| |o|||| ||o|o| |o|||| ||o|o|
[Intro: Click for tab to distorted guitar, flutes opening]
[bass: GG FF DD F D E F# G C D E F ]
[chords: G7aug9(Hendrix chord) D7 G7 C7 F7 ]
[ Click here for tab to this KILLER bass line ]
GG FF DD F G7aug9 G7aug9
Judas: Now if I help you it matters that you see
------ These sordid kind of things are coming hard to me
It's taken me some time to work out what to do
I weighed the whole thing out before I came to you
I have no thought at all about my own reward
Eb F
I really didn't come here of my own accord
[bass: D E F# G C D E F ]
[chords: D7 G7 C7 F7 ]
Just don't say I'm
Damned for all time
I came because I had to I'm the one who saw
Jesus can't control it like he did before.
And further more I know that Jesus thinks so too
Jesus wouldn't mind that I was here with you
I have no thought at all about my own reward
I really didn't come here of my own accord
Just don't say I'm
Damned for all time
[sax solo]
Annas, you're a friend, a worldly man and wise,
Caiaphas, my friend I know you sympathize
Why are we the prophets? Why are we the ones?
Who see the sad solution - know what must be done
I have no thought at all about my own reward
I really didn't come here of my own accord
Just don't say I'm
Damned for all time
[ Click here for tab to this KILLER bass line ]
Gm D D7 Gm
Annas: Cut the protesting, forget the excuses,
------ Bb C F7 Bb
We want information, get up off the floor
Gm D D7 Gm
Caiaphas: We have the papers, we need to arrest him
--------- Bb C D7 Gm
You know his movement - we know the law
Gm D D7 Gm
Annas: Your help in this matter won't go unrewarded
------ Bb C F7 Bb
Caiaphas: We'll pay you in silver - cash on the nail!
--------- Gm D D7 Gm
We just need to know where the soldiers can find him
Bb C
Annas: With no crowd around him
------ D7 Gm
Caiaphas: Then we can't fail.
Eb Bb
Judas: I don't need your blood money!
------ Ab Gm D Eb
Caiaphas: Oh that doesn't matter our expenses are good.
-------- Eb Bb
Judas: I don't want your blood money!
------ Ab Gm D7 Gm
Annas: But you might as well take it - we think that you should
Caiaphas: Think of the things you can do with that money
------ Chose any charity give to the poor
We've noted your motives - we've noted your feelings
This isn't blood money - it's a fee nothing,
C7 C7 Gm
Fee nothing, fee nothing more____________ (hold last vocal G note over drone F)
[drone F octaves - possibly fading in 5ths(C)]
Judas: On Thursday night you'll find him where you want him
------ F Bb
Far from the crowds in the Garden of Gethsemane
[notes] F E C# C F G Ab G Bb Eb Eb
On Thursday night you'll find him where you want him
F A Bb C C Db Eb F Eb Db C A F Bb Bb Bb
Far from the crowds in the Gar-ar-ar- de-n of Gethse-ma-ne
[Stacked harmony = F# F# C# A# (on guitar - 2x46x6)]
Choir: Well done, Judas,
------ Good old Judas...
Thursday night
Tablature of acoustic picking to opening of "The Last Supper"
G D/F# Em G/D
Apostles: Look at all my trials and tribulations
--------- C G/B Am D
Sinking in a gentle pool of wine
G B7 Em G7/D
Don't disturb me now I can see the answers
'Til this evening is this morning life is fine.
G D Em G/D
Always hoped that I'd be an apostle
C G/B Am D
Knew that I would make it if I tried
G B7 Em G7
Then when we retire we can write the gospels
So they'll still talk about us when we've died
Jesus: The end ...
(horns:) Eb F F# G# A Bb B F# Eb E F F# D
(horns:) Eb B F B Abm Gm
Is just a little harder when brought about by friends
(Same as above but shown in tab arranged for guitar)
(Numbers in parentheses are sustained notes from beat before)
Eb B F B Abm Gm
(...Is just a little harder when brought about by friends)
Gm D Gm Gmsus Gm D7
For all you care
Gm Cm Cm7 Eb Gm
this wine could be my blood
Gm D7 Gm Gmsus Gm D7 Gm Cm Cm7 B Gm/Bb Gm/D Gm
For all you care this bread could be my body
The end!
Eb Bb
This is my blood you drink
Ab Gm D
This is my body you eat
Gm Cm B Gm7 D7
If you would remember me when you eat and drink
Gm(7?) F Eb C
I must be mad thinking I'll be remembered - yes
Gm(7?) Eb9 Eb/F Gm7 D7
I must be out of my head!
Look at your blank faces! My name will mean nothing
Ten minutes after I'm dead!
Cm F
One of you denies me!
Bb Eb
One of you betrays me -
D Gm/D C/D D Dsus4
xx0775 xx0786 xx0889 xx0 xx0
5fr|||||o 6fr|||||o 8fr||||oo 10fr||||oo 10fr||||oo
|||||| |||o|| |||o|| |||o|| ||||||
|||oo| ||||o| |||||| |||||| |||o||
D Gm/D C/D D Dsus4
Apostles: Not I! Who would! Impossible! What are you saying?
[Instr. 2x] 1 2 3 4 5 |1 2 3 4 5
[chords] Gm7 / / / / F |Eb / / / Cm9 /
[melody] G G G G G A |Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb C
[chords] Gm7 / / / Eb9 Eb/F|Gm7/ / / / D7
[melody] D D D D F Eb |D
[Instr. - Same as above but in Tab for guitar - play 2x through]
[chords] Gm7 F |Eb Cm|Gm7 Eb9 Eb/F|Gm7
in 5/4 1 2 3 4 5 |1 2 3 4 5 |1 2 3 4 5 |1 2 3 4 5 |
Cm F Bb Eb
Jesus: Peter will deny me in just a few hours
------ Ab Db C Fm/C
Three times will deny me - and that's not all I see
Bb/C C C Eb Bb
One of you here dining, one of my twelve chosen
C Eb Bb
Will leave to betray me -
Judas: Cut out the dramatics! You know very well who -
Jesus: Why don't you go do it?
Judas: You want me to do it!
Jesus: Hurry they are waiting
Judas: If you knew why I do it...
Jesus: I don't care why you do it
Judas: To think I admired you
------ For now I despise you
Jesus: You liar - you Judas
Judas:(overlaps Jesus) You want me to do it!
------ What if I just stayed here
And ruined your ambition?
Christ you deserve it!
C Fm/C Bb/C C
8 988 8x 98 8x8766 8 988
o|||oo o||||o ||||oo o|||oo
|||o|| ||||o| |||o|| |||o||
|oo||| ||oo|| o|o||| |oo|||
C Fm/C
Jesus: Hurry you fool, hurry and go,
------ Bb/C C
Save me your speeches, I don't want to know -
C Fm/C Bb/C C
F C/E Dm F/C
Apostles: Look at all my trials and tribulations
--------- Bb F/A Gm C7
Sinking in a gentle pool of wine
F A7 Dm F7/C
What's that in the bread it's gone to my head
Bb C F C7
'Til this morning is this evening life is fine
Always hoped that I'd be an apostle
Knew that I would make it if I tried
Then when we retire we can write the gospels
So they'll all talk about us when we've died
F#aug9 D
Judas: You sad pathetic man - see where you've brought us to
--------- Bm C#7
Our ideals die around us all because of you
And now the saddest cut of all -
Someone has to turn you in
Bm C#7
Like a common criminal, like a wounded animal
Jaded mandarin
A jaded mandarin
Bm C#7
Just A faded, jaded, faded, jaded jaded mandarin
F#aug9 D Bm
Jesus: Get out! They're waiting! Get out! They're waiting!
------ C#7
Oh ho ho, They're waiting for you. Ahh..
Judas: F# A6
------ Every time I look at you I don't understand
B F#
Why you let the things you did get so out of hand
F# A6 B F#
You'd have managed better if you'd had it planned - Ahhhh Oo Oo (Instr. F# A6 B F#)
[CHORUS 3] (slowly)
G D/F# Em G/D
Apostles: Look at all my trials and tribulations
--------- C G/B Am D
(drunkenly) Sinking in a gentle pool of wine
G B7 Em G7/D
Don't disturb me now I can see the answers
C D D7 G D7
'Til this evening, in this morning life is fine.
Always hoped that I'd be an apostle
Knew that I would make it if I tried
Then when we retire we can write the gospels
So they'll still talk about us when we've died
Gm Gm/F Eb
Jesus: Will no-one stay awake with me?
------ Bb (notes - F Eb D C)
Peter? John? James?
Will none of you wait with me?
Peter? John? James?
[misc. chords]
Bbm Bbm/Ab Bbm/Gb Bbm/F Ebm Ebm/Db Ebm/C Ebm/Bb Ab Ab7/Gb Db/F
x13321 4x3121 2x3321 113321 x68876 9x8676 8x8876 668876 466544 2x1112 143121
|o|||o |||o|o |||||o oo|||o |o|||o |||o|o |||||o oo|||o o|||oo ||ooo| o||o|o
||||o| ||||o| o|||o| ||||o| ||||o| ||||o| ||||o| ||||o| |||o|| o||||o ||||o|
||oo|| ||o||| ||oo|| ||oo|| ||oo|| ||o||| o|oo|| ||oo|| |oo||| |||||| ||o|||
o||||| o||||| |o||||
intro: |Bbm / / / | Bbm / / / |
Bbm Bbm/Ab Bbm/Gb Bbm/F
Jesus: I only want to say
------ Ebm Ebm/Db Ebm/C Ebm/Bb
If there is a way
Ab Ab7/Gb Db/F F Bbm
Take this cup away from me for I don't want to taste - It's poison
Gb Bbm/F
Feel it burn me, I have changed
C7 F F7 F
I'm not as sure as when we started.
Bbm Bbm/Ab Bbm/Gb Bbm/F
Then I was inspired
Ebm Ebm/Db Ebm/C Ebm/Bb
Now I'm sad and tired
Ab Ab7/Gb Db/F F
Listen surely I've exceeded expectations
Bbm Gb
Tried for three years seems like thirty
Bbm/F F Bbm
Could you ask as much from any other man?
Bbm Ab Gb F7
But if I die
Bbm Ab Gb F7
See the Saga through and do the things you ask of me
Bbm Ab Gb F
Let them hate me, hit me, hurt me, nail me to their tree
Bb7aug9 or Bb7aug9 or Bb7aug9
|o|||| ||o||| 6th o|o|||
6th o|oooo 13th|o|o|| |||o||
|||||| ||||o| |o||||
Bb7aug9 (Hendrix chord) Eb
I'd wanna know I'd wanna know my God (2x)
Bb7aug9 Eb
I'd wanna see I'd wanna see my God (2x)
Why should I die?
Would I be more noticed than I ever was before?
Would the things I've said and done matter any more?
I'd have to know I'd have to know my lord (2x)
I'd have to see I'd have to see my lord (2x)
C7aug9 (Hendrix chord) F
(But) if I die what will be my reward? (2x)
(I'd) have to know I'd have to know my lord (2x)
Cm Bb Ab G7
Why_________________ should I die?
Ah oh, Why should I die?
Can you show me now that I would not be killed in vain?
Show me just a little of your omnipresent brain
Show me there's a reason for your wanting me to die
You're far to keen on where and how and not so hot on why
Al________right I'll_______ die!
Ah! Just, just watch me die!
See-he-he how, see how I die!
Oh, yea, See how I die!
[Instrumental orchestra break in 5/8 -- Cm Bb Ab G (almost 6x thru)]
(Instr. Chords) Cm | Bb | Ab | G
(horns) Eb D C | Eb C | Eb D C | B B
(strings) C Eb F G F Eb | D Eb F D | Ab C D Eb D C | B D Eb D
[Break last round at Ab - Tacet - return to initial tempo in Cm]
Cm (softly)
Cm Cm/Bb Cm/Ab Cm/G
Then I was inspired
Fm Fm/Eb Fm/D Fm/C
Now I'm sad and tired
Bb Bb7/Ab Eb/G Eb G Cm
After all I've tried for three years seems like ninety why then am I
Ab Cm D G
Scared to finish what I started, what you started - I didn't start it
God thy will is hard
But you hold every card (Gdim9= 3-2-0-0-0-4)
Bb Bb7/Ab Eb/G Gdim9 G Gdim9 G Cm7sus Cm Csus9 Cm
I will drink your cup of poison nail me to your cross and break me,
Ab Cm/G D/G Ab
Bleed me, beat me, kill me, take me now - before I change my mind!
[Both tab lines below are played simultaneously]
(strings:"On Thursday night..." melody in Cm - really should be played an octave higher)
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
(flute) E|-11-10-11-10-11-19-18-16-|-13-14-14-14-15-14-16-16-|
(oboe?) B|-13-12-11-12-13-17-16-14-|-11-12-13-12-11-12-14-13-|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
(Guitar + Bass notes) Db C Bb G F D C Bb G
[same as above in tab]
1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 5
Gm (no chord)
Judas: There he is! They're all asleep - the fools!
------ Gm7 Dm/F Eb7/9 (that's - Eb G Bb Db F)
Jesus: Judas - must you betray me with a kiss!
[Buzz CHORUS 1]
G7 (slowly - then picking up tempo )
Peter: What's the buzz? Tell me what's happening.
C7 G7
What's the buzz? Tell me what's happening.
Tell me what's happening.
[Buzz CHORUS 2]
Peter and Apostles: Ahh, What's the buzz? Tell me what'sa happening.
------------------- C7
What's the buzz? Tell me what'sa happening. (2x thru)
Hang on Lord we're gonna fight for you (4x)
[Buzz VERSE 1]
Jesus: Put a - way you - r sword!
------ C7
Don't you know that it's all over?
It was nice but now it's gone
Why are you obsessed with fighting?
Stick to fishing from now on
Crowd: Tell me Christ how you feel tonight
------ Gm
Do you plan to put up a fight
Do you feel that you've had the breaks?
What would you say were your big mistakes?
Do you think that you may retire?
Did you think you would get much higher?
How do you view your coming trial?
Have your men proved at all worthwhile?
Come with us to see Caiaphas
You'll just love the High Priest's house
You'll just love seeing Caiaphas
You'll just die in the High Priest's house
Come on God this is not like you
Let us know what you're gonna do
You know what your supporters feel?
You'll escape in the final reel
Tell me Christ how you feel tonight?
Do you plan to put up a fight?
Do you feel that you've had the breaks?
What would you say were your big mistakes?
Come with us to see Caiaphas
You'll just love the High Priest's house
You'll just love seeing Caiaphas
You'll just die in the High Priest's house
Bb C Gm
Now we have him! Now we've got him!
Bb C Gm
Now we have him! Now we've got him!
F G Dm
Now we have him! Now we've got him!
F G Dm
Now we have him! Now we've got him!
Bb C C G G Bb C C G G
Now we have him! Now we have got him, Now!
(Instrumental guitar Riff in A)- |A | A | A | E A | (shown below in tab)
|A |A
|1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4
|A |E A
Am Dm Gm
Caiaphas: Jesus you must realize the serious charges facing you
--------- Gm7 E
You say you're the son of God in all your handouts -
E (F# G#) Am
Well, is it true?
F F G Dm F F G Dm
Jesus: That's what you say - you say that I am
Am Dm Gm
Annas: There you have it, gentlemen - what more evidence do we need?
------ Gm E (E E E E F# G#) Am
Judas thank you for the victim - stay a while and you'll see it bleed!
Crowd: F G Dm
------ Now we have him! Now we've got him! (4x thru)
F G Dm F G Dm
Take him to Pilate! Take him to Pilate!
Take him to Pilate! Take him to Pilate!
(Instr. with guitar lead below)
|Am / / / | Dm / / / | Gm7 / / / | E / / Am |
(guitar lead)|C B A A G A E | D DFA D D E D G | D C Bb G F DD | E scale - A |
(same guitar lead as above but in tab)
Am Dm
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Gm7 E A
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
(2nd guitar - played with line above)
G G7 C Cm
Maid by the Fire: I think I've seen you somewhere - I remember
----------------- G/D C/D G
You were with that man they took away I recognize your face
Peter: You've got the wrong man, lady, I don't know him
------ And I wasn't where he was tonight - never near the place
Soldier: That's strange for I am sure I saw you with him
-------- F C F G
You were right by his side and yet you denied -
Peter: I tell you I was never ever with him
Old Man: But I saw you too - it looked just like you
Peter: I don't know him !
Gm Gm7/F Eb
Mary M.: Peter - don't you know what you have said,
-------- Bb
You've gone and cut him dead
Peter: I had to do it, don't you see?
------ Or else they'd go for me.
Mary M.: It's what he told us you would do
-------- I wonder how he knew...
misc. chord hints:
Gm F#7/C# D7aug9 or Gm F#7/C# D7aug9 Cm B7/F#
x10th 99 9 9 9 355333 x42322 x5456x x35543 224242
|o|||o oo|o|o |o|||| o||ooo ||o|oo ||o||| |o|||o oo|o|o
||||o| |||||| 10th o|oooo |||||| |||o|| |o|o|| ||||o| ||||||
||oo|| ||o|o| |||||| |oo||| |o|||| ||||o| ||oo|| ||o|o|
(Play it here or an octave higher)
(chords) Gm Gm Gm Gm
1 2 3 4 5 | 1 2 3 4 5 | 1 2 3 4 5 |1 2 3 4 5|
(horns) D C C D D C | D D D D C Eb | Eb D
Bb A A Bb Bb A | Bb Bb Bb Bb A C | C Bb
[repeat above once (Gm w/horns)]
(chords) D7aug9 D7aug9 Gm
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 | 1 2 3 4 5 |
(horns) C__________ C_____ | C__________ C_____| G G G G |
F D D D F D | F D D D C Bb| G |
(chords) D7aug9 D7aug9 Gm
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 |1
B|6--(6)------6--(6)-|-6--(6)------7--(7)----|to Gm below
(horns) C__________ C_____ | C_________ C____
F D D D F D | F D D D F# D D
Gm F#7/C# | Gm F#7/C#
(2nd Gm with dissonant melody below)
[dissonant melody played by horns at 2nd Gm (above) ]
[best played on 2 guitars, or on keyboards (or horns)]
[tab] Gm F#7/C#
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 |
[notes] G G G G G |G F# F E D# D C# C#
F# F# F# F# F#|F# F E D# D C# C# C#
(Yes, this IS correct. It is VERY dissonant!)
Gm F#/C# Gm F#/C# Gm Gm/D Ab7 D7aug9
Pilate: Who is this broken man cluttering up my hallway?
Gm F#/C# Gm F#/C#
Who is this unfortunate?
Gm F#/C# D Gm Gm/D Gm
Soldier: Someone Christ - King of the Jews
Cm B/F# Cm B/F#
Pilate: Oh! So this is Jesus Christ! I'm really quite surprised
Bb7/F B/F# Bb7/F G7
You look so small - not a king at all
Cm B/F# Cm B/F#
We all know that you are news - but are you king? King of the Jews?
Bb7/F B/F# Bb7/F G7
Jesus: That's what you say
Cm B/F# Cm B/F#
Pilate: What do you mean by that?
------- Cm Cm/G Db7 G7
That is not an an- swer
Cm B/F# Cm B/F#
You're deep in trouble, friend -
Cm B/F# G Cm
Someone Christ - King of the Jews
misc. chord hints:
Fm E7/B Eb7/Bb Cm7add9 E7aug9/B
8th 7th 6th 8th 6th
|o|||o oo|o|o oo|o|o ||ooo| ||o|||
||||o| |||||| |||||| |||||| o||o||
||oo|| ||o|o| ||o|o| |o|||o ||||o|
Fm E/B Fm E/B
How can someone in your state be so cool about your fate
Eb7/Bb E/B Eb7/Bb Cm7add9 (Bb-D-Eb-G on piano)
An amazing thing - this silent king
Fm7 E7aug9/B Fm7 E7/B
Since you come from Galilee then you need not come to me
Eb7/Bb E/B Eb7/Bb C7
You're Herod's race! You're Herod's case!
[Hosanna CHORUS]
Crowd: Hosanna Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna Ho
------ Ab Db
Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna
Dbm Dm
Hey JC, JC please explain to me?
Bbm F# C7 F
You had everything where is it now?
(chromatic rise from A to F# - almost 2 octaves)
[VERSE 1] (slowly)
F#m F#m/E D A
Herod: Jesus I am overjoyed to meet you face to face
------ F#m F#m/E D A
You've been getting quite a name all around the place.
F#m C#m7 D A
Healing cripples raising from the dead
D A/C# Bm A D A/C# Bm7 E7
And now I understand you're God... at least that's what you've said
[CHORUS 1] (up-tempo)
A B7
So you are the Christ you're the great Jesus Christ
E E A (stop)
Prove to me that you're divine -- change my water into wine
A B7
That's all you need do and I'll know it's all true
Come on, King of the Jews!
Jesus you just won't believe the hit you've made round here
You are all we talk about, the wonder of the year
Oh, what a pity if it's all a lie
Still I'm sure that you can rock the cynics if you try
So you are the Christ you're the great Jesus Christ
Prove to me that you're no fool - walk across my swimming pool
If you do that for me then I'll let you go free
E E A F7
Come on, King of the Jews!
[Instrumental Break (key change - follow chorus progression but in Bb)]
| Bb C7 F Bb(stop) | Bb C7 F Bb |
Gm Gm/F Eb Bb
I only ask things I'd ask any superstar
What is it that you have got that puts you where you are?
Gm Dm Eb Bb
I am waiting yes I'm a captive fan
Eb Bb/D Cm Bb Eb Bb/D Cm7 F7
I'm dying to be shown that you are not just any man
Bb C7
So if you are the Christ yes the great Jesus Christ
F Bb
Feed my household with this bread, you can do it - on your head!
Or has something gone wrong? Why do you take so long?
Come on, King of the Jews!
[CHORUS 4] (stop, mood shift)
G7 D7/A G7/B C D7
Hey! Aren't you scared of me, Christ? Mr. Wonderful Christ!
You're a joke, you're not the lord! You're nothing but a fraud
C D7
Take him away - he's got nothing to say
G G (stop)
Get out you King of the... Get out!
G (stop) C
Get out you King of the Jews! Get out you King of the Jews!
D7 G C
Get out of my life!
Here is where
"Could We Start Again, Please?"
is in the movie
| 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - | 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - |
(bass: GG FF DD F | D E F# G F# E D | C D E F E F F#|)
(chords: G7aug9 | D7 G7 | C7 F7 |)
G7aug9 D7 G7 C7 F7
9th 10th 10th 8th 8th
||o||| o|o|oo |o|o|o o|o|oo |o|o|o
|®|o|| |||o|| |||||| |||o|| ||||||
||||o| |o|||| ||o|o| |o|||| ||o|o|
GG FF DD F G7aug9 G7aug9
Judas: My God! I saw him - he looked three-quarters dead!
------ And he was so bad I had to turn my head
You beat him so hard that he was bent and lame
And I know who everybody's going to blame
I don't believe he knows I acted for our good
Eb F
I'd save him all this suffering if I could
D7 G7 C7 F7 D7 G7 C7 F7
Don't believe... our good... save him... if I could...
Gm D D7 Gm
Priest 3: Cut the confessions forget the excuses
--------- Bb C F7 Bb
I don't understand why you're filled with remorse
Gm D D7 Gm
All that you've said has come true with a vengeance
Bb C D7
The mob turned against him - you backed the right horse
Caiaphas: What you have done will be the saving of Israel
--------- You'll be remembered forever for this
And not only that you've been paid for your efforts
Pretty good wages for one little kiss
Eb Bb
Judas: Christ! I know you can't hear me
------ Ab7 Gm D Eb
But I only did what you wanted me to
Eb Bb
Christ! I'd sell out the nation
Ab7 Gm D7 Gm
For I have been saddled with the murder of you
I have been splattered with innocent blood,
I shall be dragged through the slime and the mud.
I have been splattered with innocent blood,
I shall be dragged through the slime and the...
slime and the... slime and the mud!
I don't know how to love him
I don't know why he moves me
He's a man - he's just a man
Bm Em Bm Em
He is not a King - he is just the same
C G/B Am G C/G
As any- one I know
D C G/B Am G
He scares me so
C B7 Em
When he's cold and dead will he let me be?
Em C G F
Does he love, does he love me too? Does he care for me? Ohh!
[music like "Heaven On Their Minds" but in G with "Hendrix" chord - G7aug9]
My mind is in darkness now - My God, I'm sick
I've been used and you knew ah, all the time
God! I'll never ever knows why you chose me for your crime...
Your foul bloody crime
You have murdered me! You have murdered me! Murdered me! Murdered me!
Murdered me! Murdered me!
F# (Stacked harmony = F# F# C# A#)
Choir: Poor old Judas
------ So long, Judas
Ddim OR Ddim Fdim Bdim
open 3rd 1st 7th
o xx ||o|o| o||o|o o||o|o
|||o|| o||o|| |o|||| |o||||
|o|||| |o|||| ||o|o| ||o|o|
Ddim Ddim
Pilate: And so the King is once again my guest
------- Ddim Ddim Ddim
And why is this? Was Herod unimpressed?
Fdim (see above) Fdim
Caiaphas: We turn to Rome to sentence Nazareth
--------- Bdim (see above)
We have no law to put a man to death
Bdim Bdim
We need him crucified - it's all you have to do
We need him crucified - it's all you have to do
[guitar notes: B Bb-Ab F-Eb B-Bb-Ab-Eb (Fm)]
Pilate: Talk to me Jesus Christ
------- You have been brought here - manacled,
Beaten by your own people -
Do you have the first idea why you deserve it?
Listen King of the Jews
Where is your kingdom?
Look at me - am I a Jew?
[bass] F#
[guitar]D|4-5- and D|4-3-
E|2--- repeatedly
[flute] E|2-1----0---4--3---2---6--5----4-----5---6--------6--------6------
Jesus: I have got no kingdom in this world I'm through, through, through
[notes]B C D B C D
Mob: Talk to me Jesus Christ
[flute] E|2-----1--0--4-3---2---6---5--4---5-------6-
Jesus: There maybe a kingdom for me somewhere - if I only knew
[horns] G F E D
F# F E Eb D Db C B
[bass] F#
[guitar]D|5-6- and D|5-4- G F# G Bb G F# G E D C#
A|---- [repeat with "opening" melody (1 M7 1 m3 | 1 M7 1 M6 5 b5) in Gm]
Pilate: Then you're a King?
Jesus: It's you that say I am
------ I look for truth and find that I get damned
[bass] G#
[guitar]D|6-7- and D|6-5- G F# G Bb G F# G E D C#
A|---- [repeat with "opening" melody (1 M7 1 m3 | 1 M7 1 M6 5 b5) in Gm]
Pilate: But what is truth? Is truth unchanging law?
------- We both have truths - are mine the same of yours?
[horns] G F E D
F# F E Eb D Db C B
Mob: Crucify him! Crucify him!
[bass] Bb
[guitar]D|8-9- and D|8-7- A G# A C A G# A F# E D#
A|---- [repeat with "opening" melody (1 M7 1 m3 | 1 M7 1 M6 5 b5) in Am]
Pilate: What do you mean - you'd crucify your King?
Mob: We have no King but Caesar!
Pilate: He's done no wrong - no not the slightest thing
[horns] A# F# F E
[horns] G# G F# F E Eb D Db
Mob: We have no King but Caesar! Crucify him!
[guitar tab]e|-15-15-15-15-15-15- repeat E--15-15-15-15-15-15-15 15-15-15-15-15-15
B|-15-15-15-15-14-14- repeat B--15-15-15-15-14-14-17 15-15-15-15-14-14
[or notes] e|-G-G-G-G-G--G-- repeat -G-G-G-G-G--G--G-G-G-G-G-G--G-
B|-D-D-D-D-C#-C#- repeat -D-D-D-D-C#-C#-E-D-D-D-D-C#-C#
[bass] B (with Bb-C stabs on horns)
Pilate: I see no reason - I find no evil
------- This man is harmless so why does he upset you?
[bass] C#
He's just misguided - thinks he's important
But to keep you vultures happy I shall flog him
[strings, | C#-C-Bb-G C-C-C-C-C-C | C#-C-Bb-G C-C-C-C-C-C |
very fast]| C#-C-Bb-G C-C | C#-C-Bb-G C-C | C#-C-Bb-G C-C | C#-C-Bb-G C-C |
[bass] C bass (piano chord B-C-Db; on guitar x,x,x,16,13,9))
Mob: Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify! Crucify! Crucify! Crucify!
[bass] D bass (piano chord C-D-Eb; on guitar x,x,x,17,15,11)
Mob: Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify! Crucify! Crucify! Crucify!
[bass] E bass (piano chord B-E-F-Gb; on guitar x,x,x,12,18,14)
Mob: Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify! Crucify! Crucify! Crucify!
--------- [ Thirty-nine Lashes ]
[music is like opening of "Heaven On Their Minds" guitar/bass riff]
Pilate: Where are you from Jesus? What do you want Jesus? Tell me
------- You've got to be careful - you could be dead soon - could well be
C7aug9 C7aug9 Fm
x3234x Why do you not speak when I have your life in my hands?
||o||| How can you stay quiet? I don't believe you understand
Jesus: You have nothing in your hands
------ Fm
Any power you have
Comes to you from far beyond
Everything is fixed and you can't change it
Pilate: You're a fool Jesus Christ.
------- Fm
How can I help you?
[notes] F G Ab C B Eb D F# F
Mob: Pilate, crucify him, cruci-fy...
---- Ab bass [w/B-Bb-B-Bb-B*-Bb-B-Bb over & over; at B* add F#G "chord"]
Remember Caesar, you have a duty,
To keep the peace, so crucify him!
Bb bass [w/B-A-Ab-A-B*-A-Ab-A over & over; at B* add F#G "chord"]
Remember Caesar, You'll be demoted,
You'll be deported, crucify him!
B bass [w/C-Eb-D-Eb-F#-Eb-D-Eb over & over]
Remember Caesar, you have a duty,
To keep to peace, so crucify him!
C# bass [w/F#-Eb-D-Eb-A#-Eb-D-Eb over & over]
Remember Caesar, You'll be demoted,
You'll be deported, crucify him!
Eb bass [w/F#-G-C-F#-F#-G-Eb-F# over & over]
Remember Caesar, you have a duty,
To keep to peace, so crucify him!
F bass [w/A-G#-C-G#-A-G#-A-G# over & over]
Remember Caesar, You'll be demoted,
You'll be deported, crucify him!
Em D
Pilate: Don't let me stop your great self-destruction
------- C7 C#7
Die if you want to, you, misguided martyr!
G Bb
I wash my hands of your demolition
Die, if you want to, you innocent puppet!
(chords) | E | A/E | D/E | A/E | E |
(melody) | B G# E | C# A E | D B D | C# B A | B G# E | ("Superstar theme")
2x thru
Voice of Judas:
E G7
Everytime I look at you I don't understand
A7 E7
Why you let the things you did get so out of hand
You'd have managed better if you'd had it planned
Why'd you choose such a backward time and such a strange land?
If you'd come today you would have reached a whole nation
Israel in 4 B.C. had no mass communication
Girls: Don't you get me wrong
Judas: Don't you get me wrong
Girls: Don't you get me wrong now
Judas: Don't you get me wrong
Girls: Don't you get me wrong
Judas: Don't you get me wrong
Girls: Don't you get me wrong now
Judas: Don't you get me wrong
Girls: Only want to know
Judas: Only want to know
Girls: Only want to know now
Judas: Only want to know
Girls: Only want to know
Judas: Only want to know
Girls: Only want to know now
Judas: Only want to know
Choir: Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ (with only piano)
------ D/E A/E E
Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ (bass enters)
Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
[Bass part for above (comes in on 2nd "Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ")]
|E A/E D/E A/E E
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Jesus Christ Superstar (band enters)
Do you think you're what they say you are?
Jesus Christ Superstar (strings enter)
Do you think you're what they say you are?
[Bass part (with horns, below)]
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
[Guitar part (with horns, below)]
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
[Lead Horn part] arranged for guitar
To be played one octave higher than shown, (i.e. 5th fret = 17th fret)
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
[Rhythm Horn part]
(3 lines arranged for 1 guitar. Would sound better separated & overdubbed)]
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Voice of Judas:
[VERSE 2] E G7
Tell me what you think about your friends at the top
A7 E7
Who d'you think besides your self's the pick of the crop?
Buddha was he where it's at? Is he where you are?
Could Mohammed move a mountain or was that just PR?
Did you mean to die like that? Was that a mistake or
Did you know your messy death would be a record-breaker?
Girls: Don't you get me wrong, Don't you get me wrong now (2 times)
Judas: Don't you get me wrong (4 times)
Girls: Only want to know, Only want to know now (2 times)
Judas: Only want to know (3 times)
I only want to know! (Last time)
Choir: Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ (with only piano)
------ Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ (bass enters)
Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ Superstar (band enters)
Do you think you're what they say you are?
Jesus Christ Superstar (strings enter)
Do you think you're what they say you are?
(Judas sings over Choir and Girls - lyrics below)
(Choir continues 2.5 more times -- Girls sing over Choir)
Choir: Jesus Christ, Girls: Only wanna know,
------ Jesus Christ ------ Only wanna know,
Who are you? Only wanna, Only wanna,
What have you sacrificed? Only wanna know now
Jesus Christ, Tell me, tell me.
Jesus Christ Don't get me wrong!
Who are you? Only want to know,
What have you sacrificed? Only want to know now
Choir: Jesus Christ, Girls: Only wanna know,
------ Superstar ------ Only wanna know,
Do you think you're what Only wanna, Only wanna,
they say you are? Only want to know now
Jesus Christ, Tell me, tell me.
Superstar Don't get me wrong!
Do you think you're what Only wanna know,
they say you are? Only wanna know now
(Judas sings over Choir and Girls)
Judas: Jesus! I only want to know!
------ Well, tell me, don't get me wrong! I only want to know!
Jesus! Jesus! I only want to know!
Oh, tell me. Don't get me wrong! I only want to know! Ahhh oh! Jesus! I only want to know!
Hey! Jesus! Ahg ! I only want to know! I want to know!
Oh, Jesus! I only, I want to know now!
Oh, oh, oh, Jesus! Oh, oh, oh, I only want to know!
Hey! Jesus! I only want to know!
Jesus: God forgive them - they don't know what they're doing
------ Who is my mother? Where is my mother?
My God My God why have you forgotten me?
Oh God, I'm thirsty...
It is finished...
Father into your hands I commend my spirit!
In order to make my JCS Complete Chords and Lyrics page "actually " complete
I've finally made an arrangement of John 19:41 for one guitar (ala a classical piece)
and put a link to the tablature in here. (Robb A. 2-18-05)
Tablature of John 19:41 arranged for one guitar (ala Classical) by Robb Anagnostis
CAST of original LP album
Judas Iscariot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray Head
Jesus Christ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ian Gillan
Mary Magdalene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yvonne Elliman
Priest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Raven
Caiaphas, High Priest . . . . . . . . . . . Victor Brox
Annas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brian Keith
Simon Zealotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Gustafson
Pontius Pilate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barry Dennen
Maid by the fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annette Brox
Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Davis
King Herod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike d'Abo |
Lyrics by Tim Rice
Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Orchestration and musical direction by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Produced by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber
A Short Note About Me and This Page
I am a guitarist (keyboardist, vocalist, web designer in Columbus, OH) who loves to play JCS music. All the music.
Not just the guitar parts. I love to learn to play the bass, flutes, horns, strings, piano, etc. all on the guitar. That's
why this page uses tablature. So on this page you'll find some guitar tablature which might prompt
one to say, "Hey man, the guitar doesn't do anything like this." That's right. It may be the flute,
horn or piano part.
I didn't use any sheet music for JCS. I've learned all this music by ear
with minimal help from existing chord charts found on the internet (most were incorrect).
I created this page to help me remember all the parts I had learned. I also thought I could
share it with friends and then we could get together and jam on JCS songs.
Then I thought, "Why not share it with the WORLD?". So here you
Anagnostis 1-12-2004
(By the way, if you print this webpage out it takes over 45 sheets of paper.
Be warned!)
I keep adding little bits each week, some more chord grids or tab
or MIDI files so check back and see what's new!
My next goal is to have The Best JCS MIDI Collection in the World! I've
collected all I could find and now I'm tweaking them and creating entirely new
MIDI arrangements of the songs in excrutiating detail! Check 'em out at
the MIDI Page!
April, 2019 - I
just updated this page for the first time in a LONG time. It's now color-coded
for easier reading and I added downloadable pdf versions of the whole page.
Getting ready for our JCS JAM in October of
Original text by Alexey V. Deryabin OR James Gallichio
(both lay claim to the incorrect, incomplete version found all around the internet
in the 1990's)
I thank you for giving me a "base" from which to start.
Corrected, expanded, completed & coded (HTML) by
Robb Anagnostis - April/May 2003
(I found other versions and corrected many words, added MANY missing chords,
PLUS chord grids, lotsa notes & mucho tablature for many of the instrumental sections.-RA)
Questions? Critique? Comments? Praise? Email -