History of Dos Guys |
There were many years that passed,
things happened here and there, and
It all started in the 60's.
Robb and
Eric were born.
The Beatles were busily writing songs for the Dos Guys song list.
Jimmy Page formed Led Zeppelin who wrote even more songs for Dos Guys.
A few more years passed.
all began on January 5th, 1993.
In early 1993, after a brief stint with the non-famous "Bert and Ernie", Robb
Anagnostis decided he needed to work with a singer who could really play guitar...or a
guitar player who could really sing.
He asked Eric Solomon if he would
like to form a duo.
Dos Guys was born on January 5th, 1993.
The lovingly-blistered fingers of Robb Anagnostis and Eric
reached across Columbus and created smiles, two ears at a time.
Many have wondered "How can just TWO MEN emit the large presence of sound that emanates
Dos Guys stages from the early days through today"?
Only Robb and
Eric, of Dos Guys know for certain.
They have performed more than 500 gigs since then to the delight of thousands.
Many were attended by the honorary "3rd Dos Guy" Bob
UNO GUY ALERT! - Dos Guys can now be seen in solo performances around
Now as 1999 approaches 2000
they are dividing to
share the joy separately with a wider and more diverse audience.
An acclaimed Rock Expert says this of Dos Guys, "Just like
the Beatles and Kiss before them, these great rockers are embarking on a
series of solo outings. No doubt this will inspire some of the greatest
music of the coming new millennium".
Robb will soon be injecting a loving "shot in the arm" to Dos Guys fans far and
with the refreshed and fun sound of Scoobydudes! We will keep you